Hippos are massive and powerful creatures, known for their strength and aggression. Despite their size, they do face threats from certain predators, especially when they are young or injured. Adult hippos are generally safe from most hunters, but their calves can fall victim to some of Africa’s top predators. These encounters are rare and dangerous for the predators as well, as hippos are not easy prey. Here are 15 creatures that sometimes hunt hippos, either directly or opportunistically.
1. Lions

Lions are one of the few predators bold enough to take on a hippo, though they rarely hunt adults. Instead, lions usually target young or injured hippos. In some cases, a pride of lions may work together to overwhelm a weakened adult, but it’s a risky move given the hippo’s power.
2. Nile Crocodiles

Nile crocodiles are dangerous predators that share the same habitats as hippos. While adult hippos are generally too large for crocodiles to attack, young calves can be vulnerable, especially if they stray too far from their mothers. Crocodiles use their powerful jaws to drag young hippos into the water.
3. Spotted Hyenas

Spotted hyenas are opportunistic hunters and scavengers. While they rarely take on adult hippos, hyenas may target sick or young hippos, especially if they are separated from their herd. In some cases, hyenas will scavenge from dead hippos left behind by other predators.
4. Leopards

Leopards are solitary hunters and generally avoid adult hippos. However, they will occasionally attack hippo calves, particularly if the calf is unattended or near water. Leopards rely on stealth and speed to ambush their prey, making quick strikes and retreating before a defensive adult hippo can intervene.
5. African Wild Dogs

African wild dogs are highly efficient pack hunters that can take down a variety of prey. Though hippos are not their typical targets, wild dogs may attack calves or injured hippos if the opportunity arises. The pack’s coordinated efforts and persistence can sometimes overwhelm weaker animals.
6. Humans

Historically, humans have hunted hippos for their meat, hides, and ivory-like teeth. While hippo hunting is less common today due to conservation efforts, they are still targeted in some areas. Hippos can be dangerous to humans, especially near water, leading to conflict between the two.
7. Martial Eagles

Martial eagles, while known for hunting medium-sized animals like monkeys, have been observed attacking hippo calves. These powerful birds of prey use their sharp talons to strike small or young animals, relying on their speed and surprise to catch their targets off guard.
8. Jackals

Jackals are opportunistic predators that typically scavenge or hunt small mammals. However, if they come across a young or vulnerable hippo calf, they may attack, especially if it’s separated from its protective herd. Jackals often rely on scavenging from larger predators’ kills as well.
9. Black-Backed Hyenas

Like their spotted cousins, black-backed hyenas sometimes target hippos, but their focus is typically on calves or injured individuals. These hyenas use their strong jaws to tear at weakened prey and are often seen scavenging from the kills of other animals.
10. Baboons

Though baboons are primarily herbivorous, they can be opportunistic feeders. In rare cases, they have been observed scavenging from the remains of dead hippos. Baboons are unlikely to hunt a healthy hippo, but they will take advantage of a carcass when available.
11. Fish Eagles

Fish eagles typically feed on fish, but they are opportunists when it comes to scavenging. If a hippo carcass is near water, fish eagles will swoop in to pick at the remains. They’re not hunters of live hippos, but they do feed on dead or injured ones in the right circumstances.
12. Caracals

Caracals are small to medium-sized predators that generally hunt small mammals and birds. While it’s uncommon for them to hunt hippos, they have been known to scavenge from dead or dying animals, including hippos that have succumbed to natural causes or injuries.
13. Warthogs

Although warthogs are primarily herbivores, they have been known to scavenge. If they find the remains of a hippo, warthogs may nibble on the carcass, especially during times when food is scarce. They don’t actively hunt hippos, but they’ll feed on one if given the chance.
14. Honey Badgers

Honey badgers are fearless predators that will eat almost anything they can overpower. While they don’t typically hunt hippos, they may scavenge from a dead or dying hippo if they come across one. Known for their tenacity, honey badgers won’t hesitate to take advantage of a free meal.
15. Vultures

Vultures are scavengers that feed on dead animals, including hippos. These birds rely on their sharp beaks to tear into a carcass and are often found circling above potential food sources. Vultures help clean up the remains of animals, including those left behind by predators who hunt hippos.